Keith Jeffers, World Renowned Master bagpipe Maker.
"I love it! Show me some instrument grade wood and put a chisel in my hand and I'll go a full day turning bagpipes"
Keith began his Highland Bagpipe playing career in the year 2000. He was taught to play the bagpipes initially under instruction from the Evansville Pipeband. There was a whirlwind of bagpipe excitement in the group with members from the Scottish mainland participating.
Keith went on to study under renowned professional piper, Greg Abbott, of Kokomo Indiana. Greg refined Keith's bagpipe piping skills and set him on the path to piping success.
It wasn't long into his bagpipe playing career that Keith figured out that he wasn't very satisfied with the current bagpipes available on the market. Being an incredibly curious person by nature, and inventive, he set forth down the long path of creating his own bagpipes and chanters. Gone went fifteen years of research and development to where we find ourselves today, at the cutting edge of bagpipe design and performance.
Thank you for taking the time to review my work, I am deeply honored to have you here.
Happy Piping,
Keith Jeffers
Keith began his Highland Bagpipe playing career in the year 2000. He was taught to play the bagpipes initially under instruction from the Evansville Pipeband. There was a whirlwind of bagpipe excitement in the group with members from the Scottish mainland participating.
Keith went on to study under renowned professional piper, Greg Abbott, of Kokomo Indiana. Greg refined Keith's bagpipe piping skills and set him on the path to piping success.
It wasn't long into his bagpipe playing career that Keith figured out that he wasn't very satisfied with the current bagpipes available on the market. Being an incredibly curious person by nature, and inventive, he set forth down the long path of creating his own bagpipes and chanters. Gone went fifteen years of research and development to where we find ourselves today, at the cutting edge of bagpipe design and performance.
Thank you for taking the time to review my work, I am deeply honored to have you here.
Happy Piping,
Keith Jeffers